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foster flowers

Our downtown flowers look beautiful, every year, but that’s not a fluke. We have many hard-working people who make it happen. Volunteers water, pull weeds, and keep trash out of the flowers– and that’s a monumental task! We call it Foster Flowers, and it's a blooming success.

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Making downtown bloom every year takes time and money.

Budget: $5,000.00/year.

Sponsorship: $50.00/planter

Volunteers Needed To: Plant, water, and maintain. 


Flower Benches:

More than a dozen flower benches have been sponsored and placed in the district, providing beautification and much-needed seating areas.


THANK YOU to all of our supporters!


Upcoming Projects:

  • Improved ground flower containers to a water saving system.

  • Additional landscaping and beautification at our intersections.



Planter sponsorship or other donations can be mailed to Tomahawk Main Street. Contact the office to pay by credit card.


Tomahawk Main Street
223 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Tomahawk, WI 54487

(715) 453-1090


A Huge Thank You To Our Generous Donors!

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 93
Antiques on Spirit
Big Bear Mini Golf and Ice Cream
Buddy G. and Debra A. Gessler
Dar & Sherry Clements
David & Joanne Debarge
David & Laura Coggins
Francis Seroogy
Gary & Joan Hilgendorf (In Memory of Joyce Sherman)
Gregory & Margaruite Albert
Helen and David Hoover (In memory of Pat Bishop)
James & Julaine Leverance
James & Julie Dentler
Jeannette Hodge-Gregory
John and Joan Laabs

Joyce Sherman (In honor of Carol Lechleitner)
Kathy Rechsteiner
Kenneth & Deneen Kickbusch
Leslie Frisinger
Mary Novak
Michael R. and Mary A. Smith
Mike and Nancy Specht
Nancy and John Schneider
Richard & Janice Huseby (In Memory of Brian Morren)
Richard & Myra Ross
Ronald or Marian Jean Crass
Roxine McQuitty
Standard Mercantile
Taras and Sandra Powroznyk
Tomahawk Monument Co., Inc.
Tomahawk Pharmacy
Tomahawk's Touch of Gold

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